Mike Weir talks Presidents Cup, Hadwin, Red Wings

Mike Weir may no longer be a fixture on the PGA Tour, but as the only Canadian male to win a major golf championship (2003 Masters), he remains an authoritative voice on the sport in this country. At the upcoming Presidents Cup in New York, Weir will serve as an assistant captain for the International team, where he’ll advise fellow Canadian Adam Hadwin, who will be participating in the biennial competition for the first time. Weir has kept busy this summer playing a handful of events on the European Tour, trying to stay sharp on the course before he turns 50 in two years time when he becomes eligible for the Champions Tour. On Sept. 11 Weir spent a few minutes with Sportsnet chatting about the Presidents Cup, the Canadian Open, Glen Abbey Golf Club, his beloved Detroit Red Wings and his relationship with TV personality Michelle Money. How do you feel with the Presidents Cup right around the corner? Starting to feel it now that it’s closer and now that the te…

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